
Send me your availability on the most regular basis, and I can create an event for our team calls. If a client ever books us when you're unavailable I can always transcribe the meeting for you, and you can send me your questions for the meeting beforehand.

Sharing Files

With each project, I will invite you to a shared Google Drive where I will keep our internal project notes, resources, working files, comments and team feedback etc. We will post the files to Basecamp when we're ready to present the client with options. I still name my files for projects with the yearmonthday-client-project format, please do the same for our work together? This is my serial lifesaver : )

When we're on a project together, I'd love for you to really design your heart out and own it! I just want to hop into the file or on a call to share feedback along the way. It's a team effort for sure, and I will probably have projects that I'll want your feedback on (and you can bill for this time). 


Speaking of billable time, you will be invited to my Freshbooks account. Please be very diligent with billing and fair. I bill to the minute and would prefer that you do as well, for all clients.


Please send along a 1099 with your work information and business ID, etc. 

I just wanted to clarify here, that unless you'd like to "donate" time for our Pinterest boards, you won't need to lose time on this piece. Since these clients will probably talk to me first, this is my bonus time to invest in them - I pull inspirations, colors, typefaces, layouts, anything I think can help our design process. It also gives us some beautiful things to talk about on our kick-off call. I will invite you to pin to our client boards, but I wouldn't want you to worry about pinning to it since I provide it as a free part of their package. Hope that makes sense! It's mostly research for me, and keeps me inspired.

Creative Discovery